Friday, March 25, 2011

Why So Serious?

This is just a quick one for the people complaining about my blog. That's cool, I have something to say to you though:

1) My blog is 100% opinionated. I am entitled to my opinion and so are you, so I ain't mad at you.

2) However, considering I have never been romantically involved with most of those who are complaining - if you are offended, you probably act in the ways that I write about. Crazy.

3) I am not sexist, I ridicule both men and women in my writing, if you haven't noticed that then you have a severe case of tunnel-vision/ignorance, or you just haven't read enough of my entries - keep reading.

4) If you can't tell that I write with my sense of humor and opinion - you need to seriously reevaluate your sense of humor. Don't take everything you read so seriously. Besides, haven't you ever heard of the expression, "Its funny because its true?"

5) No names have been named. I write in generalizations from my own observations. If you don't like what I have to say, no one is forcing you to read my blog, so sit the fuck down, shut the fuck up, and calm your pretty little heads.

I'm also going to take this opportunity to thank all of those who have been supporting what I have been doing. I appreciate it and I won't stop until I run out of material, which seems like it will be never as long as people continue to act crazy.

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