Saturday, March 5, 2011


Now I have a theory. Being the observant person that I am, I have noticed that both men and women with reputations continue to get a whole bunch of action, despite what people may say about them. I am going to share my theory with you about why this happens.

Why women are attracted to men with reputations:
Women have an uncontrollable desire to tame their beasts. Guys out there - who of you can honestly say that you haven't been in a relationship with a controlling woman? This is part of their desire to tame, control, change, manage, and care for us. Basic women instincts - mothering.

Since women are designed to be mothers, they seek the challenge of sexually promiscuous men who they think they can change into a man who will be faithful to them. Classic mistake. When you are with a male who is obviously in their sexual prime and in a situation in which they cannot control it. You WILL get cheated on. The search for the Cinderella story where they can change the bad-ass playa into a loving, caring, committed relational partner is a search destined for fail.

But don't get me wrong. There are good guys out there, just don't try to turn a bad one good - he will change when he is ready. And if you disagree with me and you want to agree with an ignorant women's magazine like Cosmo telling you "100 ways to make your man perfect" - you already lose. Those are written by women, for women. Just like we do not understand you; women - you do not and will not ever understand us. If you want info on men - get it from men. But if you want that information to be honest, you probably need a gay best friend or something because we lie a lot too :)

Why men are attracted to promiscuous women:
This is going to need less explanation and you may be disappointed with what I have to say. It is sad but it is true - men flock towards promiscuous women because they are what is known as a "lay-up" (or a guarantee). In contrast to the opposite situation - men are not interested in changing these women, they are only interested in some activity in the bedroom, whereas women are interested in changing these men for the good of a long term relationship. When men are ready for a relationship we are looking for nice, clean, and wholesome ladies who we can take home to meet the parents, but behind closed doors she can change all that and be a little freak in the sheets.

As always you are welcome to give me your feedback - good or bad.

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