Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Bitches Love Smiley Faces

Maybe not a great choice of words, but was the advice given in 2005 about 'textual seduction' accurate? I think so and I'm going to tell you why. Read closely while I break this down. Take my advice, or criticize. Agree or disagree. But it will be of interest nonetheless.

The phrase, "Bitches love smiley faces," coined in September 2005 is a controversial piece of advice, but if you think about it, there is probably more wisdom in it than there seems to be. The simple use of a smiley face in a text or IM can make the woman you are courting feel the emotion you are writing with, with some extra comfortability. However, use caution as to not overuse the smiley face, because eventually you will not be able to be taken seriously and you will become the 'funny FRIEND.' I have talked about the friend zone in earlier blogs and we already know that this is an area we want to avoid as the 'alpha male.'

Now when you use emoticons in written communication. Choose your emoticon wisely; some girls may find the 'winky face' or 'tongue out face' sleezy, creepy, maybe even insulting - not cute. When not using smiley faces, your girl will know you mean business. You won't receive the generic and ever-so-annoying 'lol' response to something you were serious about. They will ask no questions if you use the correct wording, and they will know that you mean what you say, there are no messages hiding behind little yellow faces.

Assuming you are part of my target audience - we are not in high school anymore. Smiley's must be strategically placed if you choose to use them. An alternative to the smiley face is the period. Its stern. It means business. It conveys your message. HOWEVER, do NOT use the ellipse (. . .). That implies that there is more to be said, and girls will respond accordingly by not saying everything that she is thinking.

In summary, textual seduction is where technology has taken us. Usually there will be an immense amount of texting before any first dates or no-pants dances. Don't mess up your chances by thinking you're being cute when really you are coming off as needy. You need to make whoever you are texting feel wanted, but at the same time, you cannot come across as needy. Its gross. Feel free to comment on anything I have said up to this point.

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