Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Pet Peeve #9 – Feet Draggers

The sound it makes when people drag their feet is up there with the AHHH sound after a drink. Borderline unbearable. Unless there is a medical reason that you physically cannot lift your feet off the ground, it is unacceptable to drag your feet. Ever heard someone scratch a chalkboard? Or cut food too aggressively on their plate? These sounds are nauseating; the dragging of feet is on par.

                I am a sneaker fanatic. It is disrespectful to sneakers around the world when you murder their relatives by dragging them along the ground. How many shoes must be destroyed before we clean up our act? We wear holes in the bottom, we scuff them, we virtually end up looking like homeless people with the damage we do to our shoes by dragging our feet. It’s unforgiveable.

                If we get into the dangerous habit early in life it may become fatal when we grow older. Yes, I said it – fatal. While our bodies are in good shape, we should train our muscle memory to remember to how lift our feet, because once we begin to fall victim to old age and deteriorate – it could be a wrap. I have witnessed and heard of far too many elderly people falling and hurting themselves and sometimes even ending up in hospital. For some reason old people love rugs. Worst thing to have a passion for when you can’t lift your feet is rugs. It is an invitation to trip and fall. Do you want to be this grandparent? I don’t think so. Pick up your act, and pick up your feet.

                Feet draggers are often the people who we see trip on things that are invisible to the untrained eye. They have the ability to trip on the sidewalk if there is a random quarter-inch rise. They then proceed to attempt to save face by examining the sidewalk, their shoes, and checking to see if anyone saw them trip. I saw! The silent observer. The social assassin. I will always be there when you don’t quite lift your foot high enough for the next step and you fall UP the staircase. I will always be there when you think you tripped on your shoelace but it was really just a line painted on the ground. I will laugh quietly to myself while I shake my head if I am too far away, but if I am near enough to you, I will let you know what I saw and I will give you the advice that you did not ask for. Pick up your feet. Save yourself. Save society.

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