Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Pet Peeve #7 – Obnoxious Thirst Satisfaction

What is with people who insist upon making that god-awful “Ahhhh” sound after they drink? It is so obnoxious. It’s almost as if you think you have accomplished a major feat in swallowing a mouthful of your beverage. Is hydration cause for celebration in any place other than a desert? I quite literally feel nauseated when I hear that sound. I have to restrain myself from slapping the person’s cup out of their hands. There is no sound more unnecessary.

                If you are someone who makes this sound, I bet you can’t give me a good reason as to why. I put the house on it. This sound serves no purpose. It is just an obnoxious habit that way too many people share. Can you imagine if these people did it after every time they swallowed? A typical meal would be an absolute breath-fest. What if a person with halitosis decides to excessively exhale after a sip of a beverage? What if the company they are with is within range of the breath? It is an invitation for disaster. A catastrophic event filled with projectile puking. Mmm, yummy. Breathe on that.

                Beer. Not the greatest smelling beverage ever created. Ignorant to this fact are the obnoxious souls who choose to blow the aftermath of this gaseous brew in your face after they complete their gulp. Ew. This should be the definition of party pooper. It is a peeve which infuriates me to a level of near-uncontrollable anger. An anger that can only be remedied with a violent physical outburst

                Please put an end to this foolishness. I can’t take it much longer. It’s gross, annoying, and obnoxious, not to mention pointless. End this movement NOW!

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