Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Pet Peeve #8 – Hallway Etiquette

I can’t walk through a hallway or on a footpath in the world without brushing shoulders with a stranger who I have no desire to touch. Why? Because people become ignorant/blind to the world when they are walking.

                If people had as little consideration while driving as they have while walking – the majority of the human population would be erased. When we drive we drive on an allocated side of the road. Is there a reason as to why we cannot follow this same rule while we walk? I almost feel as if I am invisible at times when I try to walk and people attempt to walk through me. However, I am in fact solid and if people try to walk through me I will act as an obstruction.

                Not only do people walk on the wrong side of walkways, but they will stop abruptly midstride to have a STOP AND CHAT in the path of seemingly rival pedestrians. What is that about? Treat this situation as if it is a cell phone call while driving – pull over to the side of the road and do your talking in an effort not to harm other drivers (walkers).

                If I am having the worst day of my life, I think a person giving me some slight shoulder action walking by me could be my cathartic crash test dummy. I mean, we all feel like fighting fools in the club who bump into us and that is unintentional for the most part due to a lack of room. But if we and in an eight foot wide hallway and you bump into me I may turn homicidal. It’s like an invitation for a fight. You honestly deserve a fine if you can’t transfer road rules to walk rules. Let’s improve society with some simple hallway/sidewalk etiquette. If you choose not to… Go planking on the I-95.

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