Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Pet Peeve #24 – Habitual Sniffers

Have you ever been in a quiet room? A room so peaceful, so tranquil, so easy to concentrate on yourself and on your thoughts? A room so easy to focus in? Have you ever taken a yoga class and been so relaxed, so at one with your qi that you thought nothing could interrupt your moment of calm? Have you ever been in an exam trying to read a question, but you couldn’t finish reading it? There was just a repetitive noise breaking your focus? No matter what you did or how hard you tried, you just couldn’t read, or better yet, answer the question? Have you ever been in a quiet room with a sniffing person?

                Have these people ever heard of a tissue? A runny nose is not a comfortable feeling, so why would you not put an end to it with a swift nose blow? Why would you just prolong the uncomfort of a snotty nose? Hearing people sniff is not the most attractive sound I can think of. As a matter of fact, if I hear it for long enough I begin to feel queasy. I know I am not alone when I say this is a distracting sound. I feel like cursing people out when they sniff in a quiet room. It doesn’t even have to be in a test situation. It can be in the library, when you are trying to sleep, when you are in class, or anything similar. However, instead of cursing these people out, or even asking them to blow their nose, I just sit quietly and drive myself insane.

                I can’t be too mad at these people though. If they are anything like me, they can go all semester without having a runny nose. They will get to their test and their nose will be dry. As soon as that paper gets put on the desk, the nose starts running. What is up with that? I know it’s always the same kids with a runny nose too, don’t think I don’t take a mental note. Your uppance will come.

                Since I can’t stand the sound or the feeling of a runny nose, I excuse myself from the room to go fix the problem. Sometimes when you are sick there is a definite problem with the plumbing – you need to prepare yourself for this. If you are not well enough o leave your house – don’t. If you can leave the house, but you have the sniffles – travel pack of tissues. There is a solution to every problem. Sniffing is not a solution, it is a procrastination.

                Here’s your starter kit:

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