Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Pet Peeve #17 – Half Empty Bag

“Bang for your buck.” Does that even mean anything anymore? What can you buy these days that is truly worth every cent you paid for it? Not a bag of chips, that’s for sure.

                If I wanted a bag of air I would go and get in a car accident. These companies aren’t fooling anyone. We can tell the bag is full of air you idiots. Let me stop myself here. I call the chip manufacturers idiots for not filling the bags with chips, but we still buy them. So really they are geniuses and we are the idiots, they have to be making a killing! This can’t be legal. They are robbing us blind.

There aren’t even enough chips in a bag nowadays for a small child. It costs like $5 for a family bag of chips – the bag has like nine chips in it. The worst culprit –Doritos. Don’t even get me started on Doritos. There are not enough Doritos in the world to match the supply of salsa in one supermarket. I buy one jar of salsa and it’s in my fridge for months. Anyone would think I’m dating a Mexican. I’m not.

                And salsa. What’s this big obsession with salsa everybody has all of a sudden? Are we cultured now? We think we’re cultured because we eat salsa? We’re broadening our horizons? Stop dipping crackers in salsa (yes I’ve seen this). Salsa is for corn chips and corn chips only. If anyone needs anything it’s a lifetime supply of corn chips since a lifetime supply of salsa only costs $10.

                At least give us one potato’s worth of chips in one bag, or one ear of corn’s worth in the case of corn chips. Chips are the crack/cocaine of the 21st Century – they are in small supply, but we all love the taste and want more. They cost almost nothing to make, yet they can’t fill up a bag for us? I can’t stand it. I’m quitting bagged chips and moving on to tubes of Pringles. They may be more expensive, but at least I know my tube will be full. The day they start half-filling tubes of Pringles, I’m running for President to put an end to this injustice.

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