Saturday, January 14, 2012

Mr. Nice Guy

I’m a nice guy, and women think I’m a nice guy. Unluckily for me women don’t want nice. When you want to be with someone nice is bad. Nice is scary. Nice is too much. What kind of sick society are we living in where nice is undesirable?

                Nice is what we were taught to be as we were growing up. Nice kids get presents from Santa. Naughty kids get coal. It’s a shame that being nice has no reward after a certain age. Sure, people like you and you make a good friend, but people will blow by you in every other aspect of your life. People are not afraid to be asshole’s in business to get ahead. Competition was created by assholes – there was originally one guy with an idea, he put this idea into action, his idea got ‘borrowed’ and sold for cheaper, and people stopped buying from the original guy and went to the cheaper competition. If the second guy was nice he would have just let the first guy continue being successful, but that is not how the world works.

                Why are women afraid of nice guys? There are a number of reasons. The first is the fear of nice guy syndrome, which is a guy whose nice deeds are only motivated by manipulating women into a relationship or sexual encounter. Once these guys get what they want there is no telling how they will act afterwards. Rather than going for a nice guy who could possibly end up being a colossal disappointment, women would rather go for a bad boy, expect the worst, and hope to be surprised. Women also enjoy the ‘challenge’ of being able to change a man, so if they choose a bad boy or jerk, they have a little project to keep them busy for a while.

                The second reason is the misinterpretation between being nice and being clingy. Some guys are genuinely interested in what you do and what you have to say. However, too much communication can be misconceived as being clingy, protective, obsessed, or anything alike. This is not always a delusion; there are plenty of guys and girls out there who are like that, so how can you blame someone for trying to escape that?

                If you are a nice guy you are probably wondering, “Do nice guys always finish last?” No they don’t. There are different girls out there just like there are different guys. These different girls have different ideas about the nice guy definition.

                Nice guy 1: committed, caring, respectful of women.
                Nice guy 2: boring, lacking confidence, unattractive.

                If you find a girl who defines a nice guy with definition 1, you can potentially finish first with her. Just like they have different definitions for nice guys, women also have different definitions for jerks.

                Jerk 1: confident, sexy, attractive, exciting.
                Jerk 2: manipulative, unfaithful, disrespectful of women, only interested in sex.

                Odds are that these definitions will not be surprising as there should be a direct correlation with their level of crazy. Nice guys tend to put others ahead of themselves and wind up getting their feelings hurt. If you want to be a nice guy, choose your targets wisely.

1 comment:

  1. That and women are for the most part in modern western society, self destructive and narcissistic. They seem to consciously make bad decisions or decisions they know may lead to bad things for either attention, others misfortune or just general lack of learning from experience.

    Women usually adopt a strict policy of "negative attention is better than no attention" and this applies to relationships of all matters.

    But than again, why do so many guys go for slutty bitches with nothing interesting about them at all?

    - Raph
