Monday, January 3, 2011

10 Ways To Know She Don't Wanna Be With You!

The past few weeks I have seen too many people on Facebook and Twitter complaining like little children about how they can't figure out their 'crush'. Ever heard of the term KISS? Keep It Simple Stupid! It's not that hard to figure out if someone likes you or not. So here's 10 ways to work out when to call the quits.

1. She introduces you as her FRIEND. You know what the friend zone is, and it is rare to find survivors.
2. She is obviously uncomfortable in one on one situations with you. Maybe the first or second time you hang out and you are still in the "getting to know you" phase, there will be some slight awkwardness, but after this she's probably hanging out with you out of pity and you should say goodbye.
3. She uses the phrase "like a brother." 'Nuff said.
4. She talks to you about other guys. You are either her gay friend, who she thinks is her gay friend, or you are so so sooooo trapped in the friend zone.
5. She talks to you about other women. If she wants to be with you, the last thing she would ever want to talk about is other women you have interest in. Use your head.
6. You never get that chance you want to make moves. They plan it strategically, if you legitimately haven't had the chance to make a move, it's because she doesn't want you to!
7. She doesn't text you back. No it's not because she's busy
8. She is not interested in what you say and she does not laugh at your jokes. If she was interested she would ask anything and everything about you, just because she wants to know who you are. If she doesn't think you are that funny she will laugh anyway just to keep you smiling. If not, adios AMIGO!
9. She WILL NOT hang out with you in public. If she is not interested in you, she won't let anyone else assume she is. She still has her eyes on her prize, for lack of a better term.
10. She asks you for an excessive amount of favors. She sees value in you, but not in the bedroom and not in a relationship. She sees that you are weak and will do whatever she says and she takes advantage of it (Social Exchange Theory).

The reason I used the 'KISS' acronym was because if you had any common sense at all you would think about how you act when you don't want a woman when she wants you, and you would figure out that maybe they act similarly or the same way. Use your common sense, and if you can't, please stop blowing up my news feed and timeline with your relationship issues. Go watch Oprah.

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