Monday, July 4, 2011

The Imagination Fabrication

There is a largely recurring theme among young and emotional women in today’s society. A theme which I originally thought was linked to loneliness, but seems to be more closely related to, I don’t know, insanity. This theme is the invention of creative anecdotes mostly involving romantic relationships. The fictitious scenarios that these girls manufacture can range from small things such as rumors they say they heard but they really made up, to making an executive decision that they are in a relationship with you when there is really no evidence to support such a claim.

                Personally, I have experienced fabrications like this far too often. It is one thing to say something to test someone and read how they react in the situation, but if it goes past this initial stage and you keep with the story – you will eventually brainwash yourself. Here’s a scenario: A girl gets interested in you and tests you by saying she heard you had a girlfriend. You deny it and end the conversation. However, she wants to continue playing this game and goes on to say she has reliable sources who have told her that you have a girlfriend. Again, you deny these claims and phony sources. Eventually she begins to believe that she really does have these sources and that you really do have a girlfriend. She gets hysterical and her imagination really begins to blossom. Things like “How could you do this to me?” get said and you become confused because a) you don’t have a girlfriend, b) you did nothing to her, and c) she is acting like she has been cheated on – when did a relationship form? Who knows – she is the only one in a relationship at this point.

               As I stated in the introduction, I thought loneliness was a key factor in the construction of these dramatic chronicles. However, all of us get lonely at times, but we deal with it in ways that do not affect the lives of others. Normal ways to deal with loneliness/boredom are (and this may come as a shock to you crazies out there): calling a friend to hang out, watching TV, playing video games, cooking – you know, things that regular people do.

                These people make for entertaining stories for your friends, however things can get serious. I believe that these are the opening stages that stalkers go through. Followed by the following and then eventually the stealing and sniffing of underwear. So as it might be funny for a little while, try not to give out your number or address – unless you’re an adrenaline junkie who is afraid of extreme activities like bungee jumping or skydiving.

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