Monday, May 9, 2011

The Approval

When we start seeing a new girl/guy, we will eventually have them meet our friends to find out whether or not they approve. There is a huge difference however, in the way that guys show their approval and the way that girls show their approval.

                When a girl introduces a new man to her friends for the first time, they will analyze the situation during the meeting and prepare themselves for what she believes the gossip will be afterwards. Signs women tend to look for are whether or not the guy can make her friends laugh. If he can succeed in this, it is a huge sign of approval. If he can get the group engaged in stimulating and appropriate topics of conversation, the group will naturally think he is charming. It is better for him to act too familiar and make it seem like he has been around since the birth of the group than for him to seem like an introverted loner.

                The girl will know if the guy has been approved from a couple of different ways. One is if the group lets her leave with him instead of making her stay with them and making him leave alone. If this is the case they are probably expecting the girl to take him to bed. The other way is the obvious gossip the next time the girls all meet up. They will either talk about how charming the guy is and how much they love him and how perfect the two are together, or it will be a cyclone of insults, reasons not to see him again, and general bitchiness. Either way however, the girl is probably just going to give the guy a chance since they value the chance of meeting ‘the one’ so highly.

                Guys on the other hand are a little simpler. The sheer natural shallowness of the male species will allow an instant approval/disapproval. As soon as the boys see the new lady friend, there will be a nod or a wink, nothing, or a “what the fuck are you thinking” face. Only the nod will be acceptable. If it is either of the other options, the visit will be cut short – although the relationship may not be. However, if the ever-so-cherished nod is given, it will be a long and relaxed group date. The minute the girl has to go to the bathroom, a barrage of sexual comments will be made, followed by a quick, “and she seems cool too!” Approval acknowledged.

                Now guys like to learn things the hard way. As I have said in the past, guys are good advice givers, not takers. Consequently, if the guys say anything negative like, “pursuing a relationship with this new girl is a bad idea and it will not end well,” we certainly will not listen (at least not until we have had sex with her). However, after sex it is too late – many females can take intercourse as some sort of exclusivity agreement and assume that you take it the same way. Some don’t even need sex to mentally construct this agreement. From here disaster strikes and there are no short cuts or safe routes to escape.

                The moral of this story? We like to think that our friends are influential in who we pursue romantic relationships with, but in the long run we are going to follow our hearts/genitals, not our brains. Sometimes this works out, sometimes it doesn’t. But it makes for a great story time and a life full of drama and excitement that one could write a book on, or maybe a blog.

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